Definition of pomology

The word Pomology comes from two wards­ “pomum” and “logos”. “pomum” means fruits and  “logos” means knowledge.The scientific study and cultivation of fruits is called Pomology.

On the other word, Pomology may be defined as the science of growing, storing and processing of  fruits is called Pomology.

Definition of Fruit 

In general, a fruit may be defined as the edible, fleshy portion of perennial, woody or herbaceous  plant whose development is closely related to the flower.

In Botanical aspect, A fruit includes a matured and ripened ovary which is directly associated with  the ovary.

In horticultural view,  A  fruit  is  an  expanded  and  ripened  ovary  with  attached  and  subtending  reproductive structure. e.g. Mango, Jackfruit, Banana etc.

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