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What Is A Coral Reef? Explained!

Coral is a deposit of lime or calcium carbonate formed by coelenterates. The coral colonies grow continuously in size by budding of the polyps and often form extensive masses known …

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Fishing Technology

Principles of fishing Fishing gear Fishing gear refers to any form of equipment, implement, tool, or mechanical device used to catch, collect or harvest fish. Types of fishing gear All …

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Mangrove Ecosystem – Explained!

Mangrove Ecosystem

Mangroves are a type of coastal, intertidal vegetation or a group of plants that tolerate salinity. In this blog we’ll know what is mangrove, types of mangrove, limiting factors and …

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Water quality in aquaculture

Water quality in aquaculture

Water quality in aquaculture is an important scientific tool for understanding the dynamics of the fish pond. Every organism needs a suitable place for living. Therefore, water should be suitable …

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