Definition of Crop Forecasting 

By crop forecasting we mean estimate or predicting the yield of certain crop during its growth period and sufficiently ahead of the time of its harvest. 

Objectives of Crop Forecasting

1. To help the government of fix the price of different commodities. 
2. To know the actual situation of crop production. 
3. To make a future plan. 
4. To help the farmer/government to store appropriate quantities of produce. 
5. To decide whether food will imported or exported of assessing of the crop. 

Importance/Advantage of Crop Forecasting

1. It helps to the government to decide whether food will be exported or imported on assessing the condition of the crop. 
2. It helps the government to fix the price of different agricultural commodities. 
3. It helps the government to store appropriate quantities of produce. 
4. It helps the government to take necessary action, if damage to crops is caused by natural calamities. 
5. An proper yield forecasting gives farmers the advance of beneficial marketing planes for their products. 
6. It is important in providing timely information for optimum management practices of growing crops. 

Methods of crop yield forecasting 

3 methods are currently being developed and applied for crop yield forecasting 
1) The field measurement and analysis of the standing crops. 
2) The application of Remote sensing technologies
§      Empirical regression model 
§      Bio­mass production model 
§      Stress degrade  
3) The use of Crop model
§      Statistic regression model. 
§      Physiologically based comprehensive process model. 
§      Simplify process model

Useful Agricultural Websites

Online Agricultural Study

Food and Agricultural Organization

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