Seed borne Pathogens
Any organism or pathogen carried in or on or with seed, may be termed as seed borne pathogen. e.g. Curvularia spp, Loose smut of wheat pathogen, Covered
smut of barley pathogen.
Seed Transmitted pathogen
Transfer and re establishment of seed borne pathogen from seed to plant may be termed as seed transmitted pathogen. These pathogen may be stayed with seed surface, embryo, endosperm etc.
How seed borne pathogen are associated with seeds?
Seed borne pathogen are associated or transmitted by three different ways
1. Externally seed borne pathogen: The pathogen may be just on the surface of the seeds when such seeds are said to be infested. The inoculum in such cases is superficial and confined to the surface of the seed, usually as adhering propagules. e.g. spore,
sclerotia, mycelium, bacteria, nematode, virus particle etc.
Pathogens commonly borne on the surface of seed include species of Alternaria,
Fusarium, many smut, some rust fungi as well as many others.
2. Internally seed borne pathogen: The pathogen may lie within the seed tissues. In
such cases, the seeds are said to be infected. Dry seed may look perfectly healthy whenexamined under a binocular microscope and show no external sign of infection.
Transmission of such pathogens are through vegetative cells, spores, pycnidia, nematode or virus particles. For example,
Ustilago tritici (loose smut of wheat).
Ustilago nuda (covered smut of barley).
Xanthomonas campestris (bacterial blight of cotton).
3. Concomitant contamination: Besides seed infection and seed infestation there can be brought another kind of association of pathogens with seed materials, it is called concomitant contamination. In this case the seed material is mixed with bits of infected crop tissues. For example, Bajra seed mixed with downy mildew.
Infected bajra leaf bits containing oospore of the pathogen or mixed with microscopic part of the pathogen.
e.g. Sclerotia of ergot of bajra.
Difference between Seed borne pathogen and Seed transmitted pathogen
Seed borne pathogen
Seed transmitted pathogen
1.Any pathogen carried in or on or with the
seed may be termed as seed borne pathogen.
1.During transfer and reestablishment of seed
borne pathogen from seed to plant, then pathogen
may be termed as seed transmitted pathogen.
2. All seed transmitted pathogens
are seed borne pathogen.
2. All seed borne pathogens
may not seed transmitted pathogen.
3. Pathogen must be established.
3. Pathogen may or may not be established.
4. Carrying and establishment pathogen into
the seed occurs.
Seed just a vehicle of pathogen.
5. Example: Alternaria spp
5. Example: Ustilago tritici.