Importance of quality seed in crop production

Importance of quality seed in crop production

Importance of quality seed in crop production

In crop production, the importance of seeds are given below-
1. Quality seed is the fundamental element on the production of crop.
2. Quality seeds increase the production of crop.
3. It is the essential element of business.
4. Quality seeds are the source of life.
5. Quality seeds are the raw materials of many industries.
6. Quality seeds are the basic foods of different creatures.
7. It directly decreases the cost of production.
8. It prevents the spread of weeds, diseases and pests.
9. It improves the international relationship among the country by importing and exporting the quality seeds.
10. Hybrid varieties are invented from quality seeds.
11. Quality seed improves the social and political relation.
12. We can earn foreign currency by exporting it.
13. It improves the quality of the produced food.
14. It protects the vehicle of life.
15. Some quality seeds are used to produce some essential medicines.

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