Symptoms and Management of Fruit Rot of Betel nut
Symptoms and Management of Fruit Rot of Betel nut Causal organism: Phytophthora palmivora. Symptoms of Fruit Rot of Betel nut 1. The first symptoms are watersoaked lesions on the nut surface …
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Symptoms and Management of Fruit Rot of Betel nut Causal organism: Phytophthora palmivora. Symptoms of Fruit Rot of Betel nut 1. The first symptoms are watersoaked lesions on the nut surface …
Smut of Onion Causal organism: Urocystis magica (syn.= U. cepulae) and U. colchici. Origin: Smut was first observed on the onion in the Connecticut River valley of the USA in 1869. Symptoms of Smut …
Symptoms and Management Alternaria blight/Leaf blotch/Purple blotch of Onion and Garlic Causal organism: Alternaria Porri . Origin The disease was first reported by Ajrekar from Bombay in 1921. Symptoms of Purple Blotch of Onion and Garlic 1. Symptoms first appear on leaves or seed stalks as small water-soaked lesions that quickly develop white centers. 2. Under favourable condition, these lesions enlarge, coalesce, become zonate and brown to purple that extend upward and downward. 3. In moist weather, the surface of the lesion, may be covered with black fruiting bodies of fungus. 4. The older leaves are more susceptible than younger leaves and younger leaves relatively more susceptible when they emerge close to bulb maturity. 5. Similar lesion may form on seed stalk, as a results seed either do not develop or are shriveled. The infected plants fail to develop bulbs. 6. Severely infected foliage of onion and garlic may exhibit dieback. 7. The bulb can also be affected at harvest when the fungus enters through the neck or injurious, causing storage rot. …
Symptoms and Management of Rhizopus Soft Rot of Sweet Potato Causal Organism: Rhizopus stolonifer Or Rhizopus nigricans. Symptoms of Rhizopus Soft Rot of Sweet Potato ♦ Watery soaked rot with a …
Symptoms and Management of Okra Yellow mosaic virus Causal organism: Yellow mosaic virus. Vector: White fly (Bemisia tebaci), Persistent virus. Symptoms of Okra Yellow mosaic virus 1. The vein is clearing …
Symptoms and management of Alternaria Blight of Cabbage/Cauliflower Causal Organism: Alternaria brassicae or Alternaria brassicicola Symptoms of Alternaria Blight of Cabbage/Cauliflower 1. Yellowing of leaves and dwarf plants. 2. Dropping …
Factors affecting maturity of fruits and vegetables Temperature Higher temperature gives early maturity. e.g. Gulabi (Pink) grapes mature in 100 days in Western India but only 82 days are enough …
General soil types in the USA are as follows- Soil type Percentage Alfisols 13.9 Andisols 1.7 Aridisols 8.3 Entisols 12.3 Gelisols 8.7 Inceptisols 9.7 Mollisols 21.5 Oxisols 0.02 Spodosols 3.5 …
How to extend shelf life of fruits/Methods of Extension of shelf life of fruits Using growth regulators; NAA, GA3. e.g. Pineapple. By covering with a polythene sheet. e.g. …