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Cropping Season in Bangladesh

Cropping Season in Bangladesh with Comparative characteristics of kharif and rabi season

1. Seasons for agricultural crop: Different annual crops are grown in different seasons of the year. Such seasons are most prominent in the plains in contrast to coastal and mountainous ranges and in areas receiving monsoonal climate. Crops are grouped under the seasons in which are their major field duration:

a) Kharif season:The season starts in mid March (16th March) and continues upto mid October (15th October). Crop plants grown during this season are known as Khalif crops e.g. rice, maize, groundnut. These crops require warm-wet weather during their major period of growth and shorter day-length for flowering. Kharif season is again divided into kharif-I (16 March to 30 June) and kharif-II (01 July to 15 October) seasons.
b) Rabi season:The season starts in mid October (16th October) and continues upto mid March (15th March). Crop plants grown during this season are known as Rabi crops e.g. wheat, mustard, barley, oats, potato; Bengal gram, peas, linseed, lentil, berseem, cabbage and cauliflower. They require cold-dry weather for their major growth period and longer day-length for flowering.
Comparative characteristics of kharif and rabi seasons
Duration: 16 March to 30 June
Duration: 01 July to 15 October
Duration: 16 October 15 March
Intensity of rainfall is medium and rain starts in the mid of the season
The whole season is more or less rainy.
Intensity of rainfall is low and there is sonic rain the beginning of the season
Possibility of hailstorm minimum
There is possibility of hailstorm
Possibility of hailstorm is less
Stormy weather prevails.
Weather is mild and rainy.
Gentle weather with cool air
Temperature is high.
Temperature is high.
Temperature is low.
Sky is cloudy, mainly in the late season.
The sky is cloudy.
Clear and cloud free sunny day. But there is little cloud in the early season.
Day length increases with the advancement of the season.
Length of day and night is almost equal.
Day length decreases with the advancement of the season.
Irrigation is beneficial for crops.
Irrigation is not required.
Irrigation is essential.
Evaporation is high.
Evaporation is less.
Evaporation is high.
Atmospheric humidity is moderate.
Atmospheric humidity is high.
Atmospheric humidity is low.
Major crops are aus rice, jute, groundnut, maize, soybean.
Major crops are aman rice, sunflower, maize, soybean.
Major crops are born rice, potato, tobacco, mustard, groundnut

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