Definition and Characteristics of ideal herbicide

Definition and Characteristics of an ideal herbicide.

Definition and Characteristics of ideal herbicide

Definition of herbicide
The chemicals that are used to kill the plants or weeds are known as herbicide or weedicide.
In chemical method of weed control, some chemicals are used to kill or eliminate the growth of weed. These chemicals are known as herbicide. Eg. 2,4 – D, MCPA, EPTC etc.
Characteristics of an ideal herbicide
1.    Low volume spray can provide effective control of many species.
2.    Cause disrupted plant growth at low rate.
3.    Can move downward in the soil.
4.    Available in liquid forms as water soluble.
5.    Non – corrosive.
6.    Non – flammable
7.    Not be Explosive
8.    Safe for user
9.    Selective in nature
10. Save the crop.

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