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Types of training


Basically there are two types of training. These are
A. Pre-­service training. 
B. In­-service training. 
A. Pre­service training:In this type of training, an individual receives before joining the actual job.  Here the individual are made ready to enter a certain kind of professional job such as agriculture, livestock, fisheries etc. 
B. In­service training:This is training for staff development for the purpose of improving the performance of an incumbent holding a position with assigned job responsibilities. It is offered by the organization from time to time for the development of skills and knowledge of incumbent.  There are 5 different types of in-service training. These are given below-
1. Induction or orientation training: Just after appointment this training is offered to the newly recruited employees in an organization.  
Purpose: To acquaint the incumbent about the basic rules, regulations and modus operandi of the organization. 
2. Foundation training:  In this type of training, the employees are given a comprehensive and detailed Idea and working procedure of the organization. Various types’ subject matters are covered in this type of training such as govt. rules and regulations, financial rules, office filling procedure, leadership skills, communication skills etc. 
3. Maintenance or refresher training:Through this type of training, the employees of an organization are given the latest development or changes that have occurred to fit changing demands. The employees are update to cope with the situations under the changed conditions. For example, the newly recruited officers of the DAE are often given maintenance training on the particular project strategy so that they perform accordingly. 
4. On ­the job training: This is in fact the most practical based training. The training is usually offered by the superior officer to his sub­ordinates on the spot in order to provide the solution of a problem. Sometime farmers are given this type training in his own field so that she/he can be learn by doing himself/herself. 
5. Career development training:In this type of training, the employees get scope and opportunity from the organization to improve and develop their career. Usually the career development training is executed by earning some advanced diploma or degrees such as MS, Ph.D. or D.Sc.

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Online Agricultural Study

Food and Agricultural Organization

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