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Extension programme planning [Definition and Importance]

Extension programme planning 

Extension programme planning is a social action, decision making, interactional process in which  advanced thinking is needed for identifying the needs, interests and resources of the people through  educational means to prepare blueprint for action. Some of the definitions of extension programme  planning are given below

▶Program planning is a process through which representatives of the people are intensively involved  with extension personnel and other professional people in four activities (Boyle, 1965).

a) Studying facts and trends.

b) Identifying problems and opportunities based on these facts and trends.

c) Making decision about problems and opportunities that should be given priority.

d) Establishing objectives or recommendation for future economic and social development of  a community through educational programs.

▶Extension programme planning is the process of determining, developing and executing programs.  It  is  continuous  process  whereby  farm  people  with  the  guidance  and  leadership  of  extension  personnel  attempt  to  determine  analysis  and  solve  local  problems.  In  this  there  are  three  characteristics:

a) What needs to be done.

b) When it should be done.

c) How it should be done (Musgraw, 1962).


Importance of extension programme planning

The importance of extension programme planning are given below

1. Programme planning makes complex work to simple.

2. Planning makes the program decent and effective.

3. Development of village and people needs are dependent on effective planning.

4. It helps to follow the right course of action.

5. It is also effective in solving problem.

6. It helps in growth and expansion of business.

7. It ensures careful consideration of what is to be done and why.

8. It establishes objectives towards which progress can be measured and evaluated.

9. It develops common understanding about the means and ends between various functionaries and  organisations.

10. It helps to develop leadership.

11. It avoids waste of time and money and promote efficiency.

12. It Justifies expenditure and ensure flow of funds.

13. It helps to have available in written form a statement for public use.

14. To give continuity during changes of personnel.

15. To coordinates the efforts of the different people working for rural development.

16. To have a means of choosing the important from the incidental problems and the permanent from  the temporary changes

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