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Features of Extension Organization

(Anonymous, 1976; Bhuiya, 1999)
1. The organization should have a name in consistence with its objectives.
2. It must be approved and recognized by the government. .
3. It should have a definite goals and objectives for which the members would work to achieve. 
4. The objectives should be achievable.
5. Extension organizations should have provision for Subject Mater Specialists in different fields.
6. The members should perform their duties and responsibilities under close supervision by the authority in order to maintain unity and integrity of the organization.
7. There should have a provision for horizontal as well as vertical communication the organizational structure.
8. Span of control should permit administrators and supervisors to fulfil their roles adequately.
9. There should be such arrangement that the individuals in the organizations get supply of needed materials in time.
10. The organization should have clearly defined salary and promotion policies.
11. Workers at different hierarchical levels in the organization should get adequate counsel, advice and guidance from their administrators and supervisors.
12. There should have a provision for training for all officers and employees.
13. There should have a provision for flexibility of programs.
14. There should have a regular activities aimed at organizational goals as fixed official duties.
15. Operations should be governed by a consistent system of abstract rules that are applied to each and every individuals of the organization.

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