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How to Grow Sunflower

Scientific name: Helianthus annuus
Family: Asteraceae. 

Importance of Sunflower

Sunflower is one of the most important oil seed crop grown in temperate countries. It is a major source of vegetable oil in the world. Sunflower oil is considered as premium when compared to other vegetable oils. Sunflower is the oil of preference among the consumers the world over due to its health appeal. From 1975, it is cultivated as oil seed crop in Bangladesh. 40­-45 % linoleic acid are present in Sunflower oil seed. 

Origin of Sunflower

Asia or South or Central America. 

Varieties of Sunflower

In Bangladesh Kironi (DS 1) and BARI sunflower 2 are cultivable varieties.  

Climate of Sunflower Production 

Crop requires a cool climate during germination and seedling growth. It requires warm weather from the seedling stage up to flowering stage and warm and sunny days during flowering to maturity.  Sunflower  is  a  photo­insensitive  crop,  therefore,  it  can  be  grown  successfully  in  any  season.  Sunflower,  unlike  most  other  crops,  is  not  affected  with  the  season  and  day  length.  With the exception of freezing temperatures, the sowing of sunflower can be done in any month of the year. 

Soil for Sunflower Production

Sunflower can be grown on a wide range of soils and tolerates a moderate pH range and some salinity. It thrives best on deep loam soils with good drainage and irrigation facilities. The optimum range of soil pH for this crop is 6.5 to 8.5. 

Land Preparation for Sunflower Production

It needs to deep Ploughed land for sunflower cultivation. The land should be prepared by 4­5 ploughing, cross Ploughing with laddering. 

Time of Sowing for Sunflower Production

It can be grown successfully in all season. Mid November to Mid-December are suitable time for sowing. It can be also sown in Mid-April to Mid-May.  

Method of sowing 

It can be sown in line sowing.  
        Row to Row­ 50 cm.  
        Plant to Plant­ 25 cm.

Seed Rate for Sunflower Production

8-­10 kg/ha. For BARI sunflower 2, 12-­15 kg seed are required for 1 hectare of land. 
Seed Treatment 
Seed are treated with Vitavax­200 @ 3g/ kg of seed. 

Fertilizer Application for Sunflower Production  

               Fertilizer                                 Quantity/ ha 
                Urea                                         180­-200 kg 
                TSP                                           150­-200 kg 
                 MoP                                       120­-150 kg 
               Gypsum                                   120-­170 kg  
              Zinc Sulphate                           8­-10 kg 
              Boric Acid                                10­-12 kg
1/2 of Urea and all fertilizer are applied in final land preparation. Rest of Urea are applied in 2 times.  One of applied in 20­25 DAS and others 40­45 DAS before flowering.  

Intercultural operation for Sunflower Production 

Thinning: Thinning can be done in 15-­20 days after germination of seed.  
Weeding: Weeding can be done in 2 times. One of 20­-25 DAS and others 40­-45 DAS. 
For more yield, Irrigation can be done in sunflower field.  
1.      First irrigation­ 30 DAS (Before flowering). 
2.      Second irrigation­ 50 DAS (Flower initiation time). 
3.      Third irrigation­ 70 DAS (Before maturity of seeds). 

Pest and Disease of Sunflower 

Sunflower beetles, Sunflower moths, Cutworm are main pest of sunflower. 
·         Cypermethrin 20 EC @ 2 mL/1 litre of water are applying 2 times in 10 days interval for sunflower beetles. 
Sunflower leaf blight and sunflower root rot are main disease of Sunflower. 
·         Applying Rovral 50 WP @ 2% / L of water at 2­3 times in 10 days interval for leaf blight of Sunflower. 

Harvesting of Sunflower 

Time: After 90­-110 DAS, it is proper time for harvesting. It takes about 80­90 days in Kharif, 105­-130 days in Rabi and 100­110 days in spring season 
Moisture content: The sunflower crop is ready for harvest when moisture in seed is 20 %. 
Maturity Symptoms: Phenotypically the heads are ripe when back of the head turns yellowish brown. All heads may not be ready for harvesting at one time. Harvesting may therefore, by done in two or three instalments to avoid shattering.  
Threshing: The harvested heads should be dried well in sun and then only threshes by beating the centre of the head with a small stick. The commercial crop may be threshed with available threshers by reducing their speed. Further, sun­drying of the seed is desirable before storage or oil. 

Yield of Sunflower 

1.7­-1­9 tones/ ha.

Useful Agricultural Websites

Online Agricultural Study

Food and Agricultural Organization

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