Plan of work and calendar of work
Plan of work
Plan of work refers to a broad outline of activities to be done at each step of the program planning, Extension and evaluation phases. It broadly indicates what activities to be done by whom, when and where. A plan of work usually prepared for one year.
A.H. Maunder terms it is as, “a listening of activities by which the objectives already decided upon shall be achieved”.
Kelsey and Hearne have defined the plan of work as, an outline procedure so arranged as to enable efficient execution of the entire program. It is the answer to what, where, when and how the job will be done.
Calendar of work
Calendar of work is prepared on the basis of the plan of work. It is the fragmentation of the annual plan of work according to one or two or a few major activities listed in the plan of work. It contains a chronological, detailed and specific description of what works to be done is each of the activities enlisted in the plan of work by whom at particular time, place and how.
A calendar of work is prepared to describe the practical ways of conducting the activities enlisted the plan of work. Usually a calendar of work is prepared for 3 months but may even be prepared for a week, a month or a season.
Elements of plan of work
The extension plan of work is structured into two basic parts; one is the educational activities to be undertaken with a specific cliental group. The path is composed of series of teaching plans. Each teaching plan is designed to accomplish a specific educational objectives. The second part is organisations. It refers to those activities necessary to a successful educational program that will be conducted during the year.
A well developed plan of work will focus on the important educational objectives that are to be reached.
For is teaching plan that is developed the specific parts that should be included are:
1. Educational objectives: who is to be reached? i.e. audience. What subject matter is to be used? i.e. subject matter. What behavioral change is expected? i.e. behavioural change in the knowledge, skills, attitude and goals.
2. Educational task: For the subject matter content of each objective, there are specific task that must be identified in the plan.
3. Clientele to be reached must be identified the plan.
4. Methods to be used.
5. Location of teaching.
6. Calendar of teaching objectives.
7. The teacher.
8. Evaluation.
Difference between plan of work and calendar of work
Plan of work Calendar of work
1. Plan of work refers to abroad outline 1. Calendar of work is the fragmentation of the
of activities to be done at each step of the annual plan of work.
program planning, execution and evaluation phases.
2. It is not the part of the calendar of work. 2. It is the part of plan of work.
3. Usually a plan of work prepared for a year. 3. Usually a calendar of work is prepared for 3
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