Rice Caseworm management (Control measures), Pest characters, and Nature of Damage
Scientific name: Nymphyla depunctalis.
Family: Pyralidae.
Order: Lepidoptera.
Pest characters of Rice Caseworm
1. The adult is nocturnal, small, delicate and snowy white color.
2. Only larvae are harmful and transparent in color.
3. Respiration occurs by filamentous gill.
4. Pupation occurs in the case which is attached with leaf sheath.
Nature of Damage of Rice Caseworm
1. A female moth lays 50 eggs, 10-20 in batches on the underside of a leaf floating on water. After 4-5 days the eggs are hatched and young larvae are come out.
2. Damage occurs only by the larvae. The first larvae feeding on the green tissue by scraping on the leaf surface. Then it is moved to the tip. Then the larvae make another cut about 1 cm below the first cut and rolled the margin with silk and the tubular case is formed inside which the larvae live. A new case is constructed after every larval moult and the case is hanged with leaf blade.
3. Upper epidermis becomes papery white and 2-3 cm leaf dries up just below the case.
4. Finally, photosynthesis reduced and the plant becomes stunted.
Control Measure of Rice Caseworm
A) Nonchemical control of Rice Caseworm
1. Using a light trap for controlling moth.
2. Drainage of water is an important control measure against this insect.
3. Using kerosene oil in the water of the field for controlling larvae.
B) Chemical control of Rice Caseworm
1. Using systemic insecticides. e.g. Dimecron/ Lebacid @ 0.05 % of the solution.
2. Application of Ripcord @ 500 ml/ha.
3. Application of Cymbush 10 EC @ 500 ml/ha.
4. Using Basudin 10G/ Furadan 3G @ 16 kg/ha.
5. Spraying with Cypermethrin 10 EC or Phosphamidon 100 EC @ 1.5 ml/L of water.
6. Application of Dursban 20 EC @ 1 L/ha.
7. Application of Marshal 20 EC @ 1.2 L/ha.
8. Application of Diazinon 60 EC @ 1 L/ha.
9. Application of Sumithion 50 EC @ 404 ml/acre of land.
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