Steps and Purposes of Evaluation

Steps of Evaluation

The various steps involved in an extension programme evaluative process maybe as follows
1. Identification of program goals and objectives:The first step in the evaluation process is the identification of program goal and objectives. It is necessary at this step to pinpoint what are expected to produce at the end of the program activity. 
2.  Examining  the  project  activities  and  implementation  procedures:  When  conducting  an  evaluation, it is imperative that the evaluator knows not only program objectives or activity specific  objectives but also the activities and the manner of execution of these activities. 
3. Determining the indicators of expected outcome:After defining the objectives for evaluation and examination of activities to be executed, the next step to determining the indicators which will reveal if the program activities have been achieved. 
4. Collection of data:The next step in the evaluation is the collection of desired information that will reveal the success and failure of the program activity. In the collection of data there are two important things one has to bear in mind namely
        The sources of data. 
        The method of data collection. 
5. Analysis and interpretation of data: The last step in the project evaluation process is the analysis and interpretation of data that are collected.

Purposes of evaluation 

The primary purpose of evaluation in extension program is to increase knowledge about environment of the program and how to improve the situation to make better use of limited resources and to assist management in making appropriate and timely decision for resulting improvement of the program.  However the purposes of evaluation are stated below
1. Program improvement:Evaluation is an integral part of the planned program. It is the focused on improvement of the process. By taking a critical Outlook, we can discover ways and means for improving our educational efforts. Thus, evaluation give direction to continued improvement in the programming. It also provide fresh data regarding situations essential for improving programming functions. 
2. Program accomplishments:Through evaluator, we can assess the strength, weakness and value of our extension programs. It serves as a periodic check on the effectiveness of extension activity and teaching method used. Thus, evaluation helps to determine the degree to which specific objectives are being achieved and in the process also helps to clarify these objectives. 
3. Public relations: Evaluation provides realistic information to the public, parliament and legislative bodies. Organizations, individual and professional groups in the community need to be constantly informed regarding the extension programme. 
4. Professional security:Evaluation provides us with information that gives us satisfaction a feeling of accomplishment, confidence in extension workers and other staff members. 
5. Professional growth:Evaluation enhances our knowledge. It gives us an index of how we are doing as professional workers. Hence we learn and can rectify our shortcomings. 
6. Effective workmanship:Evaluation gives us the opportunity to work together as an extension staff to determine the effectiveness of the programs. 
7. Impact of extension programs: Evaluation helps to determine the short-term and long-term impact of the extension programs in terms of social and economic dimensions. 
8. Content of the programs: Evaluation enables determination of whether the content is contributing to the overall objectives of extension or not. 
9. Methods of extension teaching: Evaluation provides information as to whether the extension teaching methods are being used effectively or not or whether any non-extension methods are being used etc. It also helps in involving new methods of extension.

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