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Types of fish farming – Explained!

Fish farming is the process of raising fish in a controlled environment, such as a pond or tank. There are many different types of fish farming, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look at some of the most common methods.

Aquaculture in the US includes fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and plants. Fish farming in the US involves raising favorable fish species in isolation and handling their activities to enhance reproduction. Fish are raised on farms or hatcheries, like farm animals.

Before fish farming, people fished in streams, lakes, and oceans. In ancient times, fishermen catch and raise wild fish, and hunters domesticate animals and planted crops. As early as 500 bc, the Chinese started to raise fish. In Rome and Gaul, ancient Greeks grew oysters. Magellan discovered native fishermen collecting young milkfish and rearing them in brackish water ponds 450 years ago.

Fish farming is an important process in the world of seafood. It helps to provide a sustainable food source for humans and plays a role in keeping our oceans healthy. There are many different types of fish farms, each with its own benefits and drawbacks.

Types of fish farming

There are two main types of fish farming: extensive, based on local photosynthetic production, and intensive, where fish are fed externally. However, common types of fish farming are given below.


When only one species of fish or shrimp/prawn is cultured in a water body, the culture method is known as monoculture. E.g only trout, tilapia, catfish, and carps culture in a pond. In general, fish are cultured commercially following this method under an intensive management system. Here fish farming is not much dependent on natural food. Through the application of a well-balanced diet/food, fish with high market prices are cultured. However, even under the commonly practiced management system, fish are farmed using the monoculture method in the seasonal pond of our country.


When more than one species of fish are cultured in a water body, the culture method is known as polyculture. Considering the optimal use of the natural food items present in the water body, fish of different species are stocked in a water body. In this case, the stocked fish, generally, are of different food habits. Under a regular management system, a higher yield is obtained from polyculture than that from monoculture. e.g. poly culture of paddlefish, tilapia and big head carp, common carp, etc. together.

Land-based fish farming

Land-based fish farming
Image credit: FishFocus.Co.Uk

Land-based fish farming takes place on land, usually in man-made ponds or tanks. This type of farm is beneficial because it can be located close to cities and towns, making it easier to get fresh fish to consumers. Land-based farms also use less water than other types of farms, which is important given the current state of our planet’s water resources. However, there are some drawbacks to this type of farm. One issue is that land-based farms can produce significant amounts of waste, which can pollute waterways if not properly managed. Additionally, pests and diseases can easily spread from one farm to another via groundwater or surface water runoff .

Fish culture in cages:

Fish culture in cages is relatively a new method of fish farming in Bangladesh. However, cage fish culture is an age-old practice in some countries of Asia such as Indonesia, China, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Nepal.

Fish culture in cages
Image credit: Dreamstime.Com

Fish monoculture can be performed in cases made from easily available materials found locally in any kind of open Waters –  canals, rivers, streams, and floodplains. In general, the cage is suitable for the monoculture of fish. However, the polyculture of some fish species can also be carried out in cages.

Though this type of fish culture fully depends on the application of the balanced diet/feed, fish culture in cages may also be profitable using feeds available free of cost or very low-cost feed. There is no need for a huge investment in cage culture. Therefore, the further cage culture is very promising in many water bodies of our country.

Closed containment fish farming takes place in large tanks or pools inside buildings or sheds. The benefit of this type of farm is that it eliminates most contact between farmed animals and the environment outside the building (thus preventing disease transmission). Closed containment systems also recycle nearly all their own water , which conserves resources . Drawbacks include higher construction costs (due to the need for sophisticated engineering) and vulnerability to power outages/equipment failures .

Open ocean cage farming takes place in cages anchored offshore in deep waters . This type of farm has been around for many years and accounts for the majority of aquaculture production globally . Open ocean cage farmers must contend with harsh environmental conditions , such as storms and predators , while trying to keep their cages from fouling with seaweed and other marine life . Cage culture also requires large areas of sea floor where no sensitive habitats exist .

Integrated fish culture:

Integrated fish culture is farming of more than one crop concurrently in a water body to ensure maximum production and maintain the balance of the environment. Such as fish culture in rice fields, poultry cum fish culture, vegetable farming in the pond dyke, fish and livestock culture, etc.

The basic principle of integrated fish culture is incorporating different agro-farming like a duck, chicken, livestock, vegetables, and other crops with fish culture. In this instance, the input cost of culture fish culture substantially decreases, and on the other hand, one or more extra crops are produced along with fish.

Though the recently integrated fish culture has been discussed a lot, the culture has traditionally been practiced more or less in Bangladesh and other Asian countries for a long time. The integrated fish culture should be expanded fast and made popular to boost the agriculture-dependent economy of our country.

Fish culture in pen in the floodplain:

Fish culture in pen is the management of stocked fish in an area of floodplain encircled from one or more sides by a bamboo frame or other fencings or nets. The feature of this type of fish farming is the base of the fence is planted in the bottom mud of the water body and the water of the pen is well-connected with the water outside (water flow between pen and floodplain).

The fish culture in the pen is not a very old practice. The pen culture technology expands during the third decade of the last century first in Japan, later on in China and other Asian countries. Recently countries like the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia have widely been using pen culture technology for commercial fish production. The commercial fish culture in pens has huge potential even in Bangladesh.

Extensive fish culture system:

Extensive fish culture system
Image credit: TheHealthyFish.Com

Fish are cultured under this type of management with Virtually no cost or very little cost. Only a few fish fries are released into the pond. No fertilizer or supplementary feed is used in the pond fish fully depend on natural food present in the pond.

Besides, neither any initiatives are taken nor any technical aspects of fish farming are considered in the extensive fish culture method. As a result, only 1-2 Kg of fish per decimal is produced annually. An example can be given as releasing fish in the pond without any calculation and not following gradual steps of fish culture and harvesting fish irregularly.

Improved extensive culture system:

A little improved culture management, where fish are stocked at relatively low density after removing an aquatic weed and weed fish/predatory fish. In addition to irregular fertilizer and feed application, other activities of planned fish culture are also performed irregularly. Presently, this type of culture management is most commonly practiced. In the improved extensive culture method, fish production is 5-12 kg/dec annually.

Semi-intensive culture system:

In the semi-intensive culture system, the necessary renovation of the water body, complete control of predatory and weed fish medium stocking density, regular fertilizer and hand-made feed application, partial harvesting and restocking after 3-4 months of fry stocking, and if necessary water exchange and supply of oxygen (aeration) are performed. That is, some modern technologies of fish culture are followed under a semi-intensive culture system. Under this type of culture management, per decimal annual fish production may reach 15-30 Kg or even more.

Intensive culture system:

The culture of fish using very advanced technology after costly infrastructural restoration as necessary is known as an intensive culture system. It requires high investment and rigorous labor. Although an intensive culture system is highly profitable, it has a high risk with a potential negative impact on the environment.


Conclusion paragraph: While there are many different types of fish farming, each has its own benefits and drawbacks. It is important to carefully consider the pros and cons of each type before making a decision about which type of fish farming is right for you. With careful planning, fish farming can be a sustainable way to provide your family with fresh, healthy seafood while also supporting the local economy. Have you ever considered starting a fish farm? What type would you choose?

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