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Agricultural Extension Administrator (Qualification, Duties, and responsibilities)


1. Must have rural background.
2. Must be agricultural graduate.
3. Must have training and technical knowledge and agricultural extension.
4. Must have 15­-20 years administrate experience in different level.
5. Must have economic knowledge.
6. Must be skilled in taking decision instantly.
7. Must have leadership quality at national level.
8. Must have pleasant personality.
9. Must be friendliness and respectable to other staff and people.

Duties and responsibilities 

1. To formulate operational policies and procedures.
2. To prepare and rearrange the organizational structure.
3. To review the authority and power structure and reallocate them when and where necessary.
4. To procure or allocate or reallocate the funds.
5. To develop and operate staff development programs.
6. To monitor and evaluate the programme.
7. To collect, preserve and communicate technological information.
8. To support local extension programme through a central mass communication programme.
9. To conduct periodic staff appraisal.
10. To give reward and punish as and when appropriate.
11. To prepare and furnish periodic reports and maintain public relations.

You can read more articles about Agricultural Extension

Important Agricultural Websites

Online Agricultural Study

Food and Agricultural Organization

United States Department of Agriculture

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