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Mode of action of herbicides

Mode of action of herbicide. Mode of action of herbicides    The terms of mode of action of herbicide refer to the inter-sequence of event from the introduction of a …

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Classification of herbicides

Classification of herbicide. Classification of herbicides   1)         On the basis of use:   a.        Selective herbicide: Selective herbicide are those which are applied to the mixed population and kill …

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Chemical method of weed control

Chemical method of weed control.   Chemical method of weed control:   The chemicals that are used for suppressing on killing weeds are called herbicides or weedicides, are being used …

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Common weeds with their scientific names

Rabi and Kharif weeds with their scientific name:   Rabi weed: Bothua, Ban mashur, Ban mula, Ban shorisha, Mashur chana (Vicia hirsuta)   Kharif weed: Sabuj nakfuli, Joina, Ghagra, Khudey …

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10 problematic weeds with their scientific name

10 problematic weeds with their scientific name   Name Scientific name Family 1.Ghagra Xanthium italicum Compositeae 2.Ulu Imperata cylindrica Gramineae 3.Durba Cynodon dactylon ’’ 4.Mutha Cyperus rotundus Cyperaceae 5.Bothua Chenopodium …

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