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Importance of weed management in Agriculture

Necessity of weed management in Agriculture Importance of weed management in Agriculture Negative/harmful effects of weed: 1.      Weeds compete with the crop plant for light, nutrients, water, space and other growth …

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Effects of weeds in agriculture

Negative, harmful and Positive, Beneficial effects of weeds in agriculture. Effects of weeds in agriculture. Negative/harmful effects of weed: 1.      Weeds compete with the crop plant for light, nutrients, water, …

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Definition and Characteristics of weeds

Definition and Characteristics, Properties of weed. Definition and Characteristics of weeds Definition of Weed:  ·         A plant which is prolific of persistence in nature and whose potentialities for harm are …

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Tetrazolium test for seed viability

Steps of Tetrazolium test in determining seed viability. Tetrazolium test for seed viability Tetrazolium test: Tetrazolium test is done to test the viability of seed. The viability test is done …

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Definition and Classification of seed samples

    Definition and Types/Classification of seed sample. Definition and Classification of seed samples Definition of seed sampling   Sampling is the procedure of selecting a fraction of total population, …

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Seed testing objectives

    Definition of seed testing: The seed testing is the procedure of evaluating the seed quality like purity, germination, health, vigor etc. to use a plant material.   Seed …

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