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Groundnut Production Cost

Groundnut Production Cost

Groundnut Production Cost   A.Non-Material cost: Sl. no   Items of operation Mechanical labours @1400tk/ha No. of labours @250tk/head/day Total cost (Tk.) 01. Preparation of land by 5 ploughing & …

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Cotton Production Cost

Cotton Production Cost

Cotton Production Cost   A.Non-Material cost:   Sl. no Items of operation Mechanical labours @1400tk/ha No. of labours @250tk/head/day Total cost (Tk.) 01. Preparation of land by 4 Ploughing & …

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Sugarcane production Cost

Sugarcane production Cost

Sugarcane production Cost   A.Non-Material cost: Sl. no   Items of operation Mechanical labours @1400tk/ha No. of labours @250tk/head/day Total cost (Tk.) 01. Preparation of land by 3 ploughing & …

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Soybean production Cost

Soybean production Cost

Soybean production Cost   A.Non-Material cost: Sl. no   Items of operation Mechanical labours @1400tk/ha No. of labours @250tk/head/day Total cost (Tk.) 01. Preparation of land by 5 ploughing & …

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Cost of production of Jute

production of jute

Cost of production of Jute A.Non-Material cost: Sl. no Items of operation Mechanical labours @1400tk/ha No. of labours @250tk/head/day Total cost (Tk.) 01. Preparation of land by 6 Ploughing & …

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Nutrient Deficiency symptoms in plants

Nutrient Deficiency symptoms in plants Nutrient Deficiency symptoms in plants   Nitrogen General chlorosis (appearance of light-green to pale-yellow colour starting from the older leaves).The tips are first affected. Older …

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