Definition of Seed Rate, Formula, Objectives, and Factors

Definition of Seed Rate

Definition of Seed Rate

Seed rate may be defined as the amount of seed required for a unit area of land to grow any crop successfully. In other words, the amount of seed required to raise a crop successfully on a given land is called a seed rate for that crop of the land. Finally, the amount of seed that is required to be planted in a unit area of land is called the seed rate.

Seed Rate Formula

The following formula calculates seed rate:


  • WTS = Weight of thousand seedlings in gram
  • DPP = Desired plant population
  • PSA = Pure Percentage of safety allowance
  • PP = Percentage of purity
  • PG = Percentage of germination

Objectives of seed rate calculation

  • To ensure the number plant population in the field.
  • To reduce the wastage of seeds.
  • To know in advance the amount of seed to be required for a particular land.
  • To increase the yield and quality of a crop.
  • To reduce the cost of cultivation of crops.

Factors affecting seed rate calculation

Following factors are considered for determining the seed rate –

  • Desired plant population (DPP)
  • Percentage of germination (PG)
  • Purity percentage (PP)
  • Pure Percentage of safety allowance (PSA)
  • Weight of seed.
  • The number of seeds per pit.
  • Planting method.
  • Soil productivity.
  • Varied morphology.
  • Growing season.
  • Viability of seed.
  • Age of seed.
  • Size of seed.
  • Objectives of crop cultivation – Food purpose, Seed purpose.

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