Classification of seeds with example
Classification of seeds with example Seed may be classified into various ways. The classification of seed are given below- 1. According to the number of cotyledon: a. Monocotyledonous seed: …
A Resource Hub For Young Agriculturists
Classification of seeds with example Seed may be classified into various ways. The classification of seed are given below- 1. According to the number of cotyledon: a. Monocotyledonous seed: …
Fruit tree pests [Nature of Damage, Life Cycle, Control Measure] Mango Hopper Mango Hopper 1. Idocerus alkinsoni. 2. I. niveosparus. 3. I. clypealis. Family : Cicadellidae. Order : Hemiptera. Nature …
Irrigation is generally defined as applying water to the soil to supply moisture essential for plant growth. Objectives of irrigation Irrigation is essential for crop production. Following are the objectives …
How to grow sweet potato Sweet potato Scientific name: Ipomoea batatas L. Family name: Convolvulaceae Origin Sweet potato originated from tropical Central America. Now it is an important tropical …
Difference between Commercial garden and Floating garden Commercial garden Floating garden 1. When vegetable are cultivated …
Difference between Olericulture and Floriculture Olericulture Floriculture 1. It’s comes from two Latin word “Oleris” means pot herb and “cultura” means cultivation. 1. It’s comes from two …
Vegetables are sometimes called fruits in some parts of the world Fruits and vegetables are not define in sometimes in nature. Vegetables are sometimes called fruits in some parts of …
Difference between Olericulture and Pomology: The two words, olericulture, and pomology are often confused with one another. They both have to do with the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, but …
Best types of vegetable and spices grow in vegetable garden Classification of vegetables and spices Classification is necessary and important to understand the growth habit, cultivation methods, post-harvest processing etc. …
Difference between fruit and vegetable Fruits Vegetables 1. Fruit plants are generally perennials, except; Strawberry, gooseberry, etc. 1. Most vegetables are annuals. 2. Fruit plants are generally …