The buttoning of Cauliflower [Causes and Remedies]
Buttoning of cauliflower: Cauliflower is a vegetable that is high in vitamin C and vitamin K. It also contains a good amount of folate and potassium. Cauliflower can be eaten …, pub-3106050513378923, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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Buttoning of cauliflower: Cauliflower is a vegetable that is high in vitamin C and vitamin K. It also contains a good amount of folate and potassium. Cauliflower can be eaten …
Difference between Commercial garden and Floating garden Commercial garden Floating garden 1. When vegetable are cultivated …
Difference between Olericulture and Floriculture Olericulture Floriculture 1. It’s comes from two Latin word “Oleris” means pot herb and “cultura” means cultivation. 1. It’s comes from two …
Vegetables are sometimes called fruits in some parts of the world Fruits and vegetables are not define in sometimes in nature. Vegetables are sometimes called fruits in some parts of …
Difference between Olericulture and Pomology: The two words, olericulture, and pomology are often confused with one another. They both have to do with the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, but …
Best types of vegetable and spices grow in vegetable garden Classification of vegetables and spices Classification is necessary and important to understand the growth habit, cultivation methods, post-harvest processing etc. …
Difference between fruit and vegetable Fruits Vegetables 1. Fruit plants are generally perennials, except; Strawberry, gooseberry, etc. 1. Most vegetables are annuals. 2. Fruit plants are generally …
Ladybird Beetle Ladybird Beetle Scientific name: Harmonia axyridis Family name:Coccinellidae Order name:Coleoptera Origin:Asia Nature of damage Ladybugs have always been considered beneficial insects, worthy of protection. Large numbers …
Essential plant nutrients definition, objectives, classification, and sources of plant nutrients elements are given below. Plant nutrition Nutrition may be defined as the supply and absorption of chemical compounds required …
Root Pruning It is the process of cutting back long roots to encourage a tree or shrub to form new roots closer to the trunk (common in potted plants too). Tree root pruning is an essential step it are transplanting an established tree or shrub. Or, The practice of removing a portion of a tree’s root system. Objectives 1. To increase the uniformity of the stock. 2. To increase the ease of planting. 3. To increase the initial field survival. 4. To stimulate lateral root development. 5. To allow production of seedlings rather than transplants. 6. To Avoid root problems later in time – circling or kinked roots in containers. 7. To Limit the rate of shoot growth for plants growing too fast. Best time to prune roots The best time to prune roots is from full bloom until two weeks later. Prune roots only when flowering is sparse or to break a biennial pattern (in the off year). If flowering is not sparse but the trees still have had too much vigour, prune roots in late November or early December — after the fruit has set and cell division has ended. Do not prune roots when there has been a good fruit set for fear of affecting fruit size. Factors affecting response …