Step-by-step How to Grow Rice
How to Grow Rice Origin: India or Burma. Environmental Requirements 1. Tropical, subtropical and temperate region. 2. Average temperature for tilt: period 21o-38 oC. 3. Temperature for …
A Resource Hub For Young Agriculturists
How to Grow Rice Origin: India or Burma. Environmental Requirements 1. Tropical, subtropical and temperate region. 2. Average temperature for tilt: period 21o-38 oC. 3. Temperature for …
Buttoning of cauliflower: Cauliflower is a vegetable that is high in vitamin C and vitamin K. It also contains a good amount of folate and potassium. Cauliflower can be eaten …
Intercultural operation in agriculture Weeding Removal of weeds is known as weeding. Weed is a plant grown where it is not desired Objectives i. To reduce the competition of …
21 General soil types of Bangladesh a) Floodplain soils: 1 Calcareous Alluvium 2. Noncalcareous Alluvium 3 Calcareous Brown 4. Calcareous Grey 5. Calcareous Dark Grey 6. Noncalcareous Dark Grey 7. …
Agroecological zone of Bangladesh/Physiographic units of Bangladesh Agroecological zone Agroecological zone is a zone which has a unique combination of physiographic, soil, hydrological and agroclimatic characteristics. Thirty agroecological zones (AEZ), …
Multiple Cropping Systems definition, philosophy, basic examples/types, benefits, and adverse effects are given below- Cropping system in Agriculture: Polyculture: It is cultivating more than two types of crops grown together on …
Seasons of rice cultivation in Bangladesh Three seasons viz. aus, anzan and boro are noticed with respect to rice cultivation. a) Aus season: The word aus has been derived from …
Cropping Season in Bangladesh with Comparative characteristics of kharif and rabi season 1. Seasons for agricultural crop: Different annual crops are grown in different seasons of the year. Such seasons …
30 types of crops based on agronomic practices The classification of crops based on agronomic practices is given below: 1. Catch crop/emergency crop/contingent crop: The crop is cultivated to catch …
Definition of Crop and agricultural classification of crops based upon utilization Definition of Crop A crop is an organism deliberately grown with proper care and management and harvested for …