Define Plant Succession with Types and Stages
Plant succession with types and stages: Succession is the process of change in an ecosystem over time. This can include the replacement of one type of plant or animal with …
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Plant succession with types and stages: Succession is the process of change in an ecosystem over time. This can include the replacement of one type of plant or animal with …
What are biogeochemical cycles? Nearly 30 to 40 elements are required for the proper growth and development of living organisms. Most important of these are C, H, O, P, K, …
What is ecosystem ecology? In short, we can say an integrated study of an ecosystem. In this article, we’ll know the components, classification, characteristics of ecosystems. Ecosystem ecology Definition: Ecosystem …
Causes of Plant Diseases: Plant diseases are caused by pathogens. Hence a pathogen is always associated with a disease. In other way, disease is a symptom caused by the invasion …
Characteristics/general features, economic importance, and common species/plants of cucurbitaceae, gramineae, and solanaceae family are given below- Cucurbitaceae family characteristics/general features: Habit: Mostly annual or perennial herbs. They are mostly tendril …
What is External Morphology of Plants? Morphology deals with the forms and features of different plant organs such as roots, stems, leaves, flowers, seeds, and fruits. The study of life …
Definition and structure of Protein: Proteins may be defined as the high molecular wright mixed polymer of alpha-amino acids joined together with peptide bond (-CO-NH-). Polymers of more thane 100 …
What is plant adaptation? Definition:Â Adaptation may be defined as the fitness or adjustment of an organism (plants or animals) to its environment or habitat by changing morphological, anatomical, or physiological …
Which mushrooms are edible: There are many types of plants, fungi and microorganisms that are beneficial for us. Some of the are edible. However, there are 9 types of mushrooms …
What is mycorrhizae? Types of mycorrhiza; Ectomycorrhizae, Endomycorrhizae: Mycorrhizae is a symbiotic association between a fungus and plant roots. They belong mainly to the genera Basidiomycetes and Zygomycetes. What is …