Definition of tillage – objectives, types, benefits and methods
Definition of tillage: Tillage is a farming practice that helps to prepare the soil for plant growth. Tillage can be done with a tractor, an implement called a harrow, or …
A Resource Hub For Young Agriculturists
Definition of tillage: Tillage is a farming practice that helps to prepare the soil for plant growth. Tillage can be done with a tractor, an implement called a harrow, or …
The study of soil particles, texture, structure, and density are very important parts of soil science. This article will discuss the definition, classification, and comparison of soil particles, texture, structure, …
A tree is a living symbol of benevolence that deliberately provides benefits to humankind. Trees are tall perennial plants with a well-defined, clear woody trunk with a spreading crown whose …
Plantation Agriculture is a type of agriculture where a single crop is grown in large amounts on a plantation. The crop is usually grown for export and the plantation is …
Growing mushrooms have become a trend in the home nowadays. Because it is easy to cultivate mushrooms at home, also it is profitable. Fortunately, mushrooms need small spaces and high …
Seed preservation starts from seed production. The seed preservation process comes to an end with sowing transplanting in the field. Seed Preservation Seed preservation includes all the operations properly done …
Soil erosion definition: During heavy rainfall, look at the soil. You can see that when larger droplets fall on the soil, smaller holes are formed in the soil, and water …
Physical properties of fertilizers: Fertilizer materials of very low water solubility generally must be ground to small particle size to ensure sufficiently rapid dissolution in the soil and utilization by …
What is Biodiversity? Biodiversity definition: ‘Bio’ means life, and ‘diversity’ means differentiation or variation in distribution. It refers to the differentiation of lives involving flora and fauna in a particular locality. …
Betel Vine Diseases Symptoms and Management: Collar rot/Footrot/Stem rot, Root rot, and Leaf spot/Anthracnose of Betel vine are the three most common types of diseases are found in betel vine. …